The garden

A garden overlooking the countryside. A garden where everything has its place : perennials, bulbs, fruits, vegetables, shrubs, trees.

Areas for rest and relaxation are waiting for you.

You will always find flowers here : in winter, spring, summer or autumn.

roses du jardin

The garden in


Between winter and summer : so many colours and fragances ! Daffodils, violets, primroses, hellebores and many trees, shrubs, perenials, bulbs.

The garden in


Roses, perovskias, nepetas, dahlias, buddleias and other bulbs, perennials, shrubs are in the gardento enjoy summer.

The garden in


Septembre et octobre ? Les couleurs de l’automne colorent le paysage de mille feux ! Between summer and winter, you will always see flowers in the garden.

The garden in


What can you find in a garden during the colder months of the year? Have you ever smelled the scent of daphne, chimonanthus, shrubby Lonicera, viburnum, but also violets?

Have you ever seen the bright yellow winter jasmine ? And hellebores, daffodils, primroses?

The nursery

How delightful to see one’s flower lyer again, to divide one’s perennials because they enjoy living in the garden.


But later ?

What should be done when they become a little over-invasive ? It is impossible to throw them away but what could be better than to share them with others who can appreciate them too !

Young nursery plants are waiting for you to find anew home.


The surrounding countryside

Le Jay is in the countryside, situated between the Berry and Burgundy regions, in La Guerche sur l’Aubois, amongs fields and meadows.

Even though La Guerche sur l’Aubois is not veryfar away, Le Jay is is open to the countryside,with cows and fields surrounding the garden.

Bruno et Béatrice de Vannoise – Le Jay, 18150 La Guerche sur l’Aubois

+33(0)2 48 74 18 53 / +33(0)6 61 35 30

Gîtes de France